My Books, Paranormal


I’m so excited to finally be able to announce this! My debut story (as Mar) is out!

“Moose Madness” is a novella-length werewolf/moose shifter romcom, appearing along with seven other stories in the anthology HER WILD SOULMATE, out this month.


Find it on Amazon here!

Shy, clumsy, closeted moose shifter Maggie can’t believe out-and-proud, motorcycle-riding werewolf Fiona is her fated mate, but even if they can overcome their differences, the town’s chaotic moose festival and Fiona’s overprotective pack just might break them up for good!

All proceeds from HER WILD SOULMATE benefit OutRight Action International, which works to protect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people across the world.